County Line Lumber Company is a proud member of Lumber Merchandising Corporation (LMC). LMC is a nationwide network of lumberyards with locations in every state in the US. There are 1350 locations with combined annual sales in excess of 12 Billion dollars. County Line Lumber while locally owned enjoys Billion dollar buying power by virtue of its affiliation with LMC.
As a Stockholder of LMC, we derive a number of other competitive advantages. We have access to leading edge product information through LMC’s association with manufacturers of building materials throughout the Nation. This keeps our employees up-to-date on the latest innovations in building materials, thus allowing us to help our customers with building materials solutions.
We pride ourselves in giving the best possible service to local builders as opposed to the National builders. This allows us to concentrate our personnel and material handling resources on servicing a select group of home builders who appreciate quality and service. It also permits us to gear our inventory toward quality products at reasonable prices rather than the cheapest materials available which are generally unacceptable to quality home builders.
While home builders are the main thrust of our business we appreciate, and are well equipped to serve the consumer. We have experienced sales staff that will provide a great deal of guidance regarding home improvement projects. We have all the materials necessary to build decks, pergolas and basement remodels.